Ordering The Language of Mathematics, 19th Edition
[This page updated Oct. 12, 2024]
I have only a few copies left and I have been retired nine years. I am no longer having copies printed. If you come across one and want supplements (student solutions, instructor's manual, etc.) drop me a note. Those I have and can send as pdfs.
The text is now free for the asking. I only have it as large pdf image files. Each chapter is about 20 mb. I will glady email you Chapter 1 and its solutions and if you read it and like it, write again and I will send subsequent chapters.
The Language of Mathematics has been used in numerous editions since 1988 at Montana State University and other colleges and universities. The most recent edition is the 19th. The text was self-published because the market is too small (only a few universities have a course in the language of mathematics) and I was the vendor for university bookstores. The cost, including shipping, was $49. My software (WordPerfect) was great for the time it was first written, but too old to convert it to a Kindle-friendly format.
Write me if you have questions. I love this subject and will be glad to reply.