Precalculus, Sixth edition, by Warren Esty
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Typesetting errors in the text and in the solution manual (below).
Fix all of the 6th edition text with these corrections now.
Section 1.3, page 25, line 8 from the end "chose" should be "choose",
Section 3.2, page 138, A23: Delete the reference to Example 6. The partial answer in the text is right, but the solution in the solutions manual should be -0.54 and 5.5.
Section 5.4 table near the top, the right heading symbol reads -> ` and should read -> ∞
Section 7.1, page 398, Example 11, line 6: the sybol for degess did not print well on "1 degree arc."
Solution manual:
Section 3.2, A23, manual page 17: the partial answer in the text is right, but the solution in the manual should be -0.54 and 5.5.
Section 3.2, B41, manual page 18: "Example 8" should be "Example 11"
Section 3.4, B25, manual page 21: last factor should be (x2 + 4), not (x2 - 4)
Section 3.5, B19, manual page 23: Change all three appearances of 5 to 52
Section 4.2, A55, manual page 32, "Use 4.4.10" should be "4.4.11."
Section 6.2, B69, manual page 45: The manual uses sin, but you could use tan, which might be better, depending upon where you measure the 24 inches. They yield very similar answers.
Section 6.2, B101B, manual page 46. It says "sin-1 is one to one ...." and should say "sin is one to one...." The domain for sin is the range of sin-1.
Section 6.4, B9, manual page 48: [The answer is right but the expression for cos(BAC) should be cos(BAC) = (182 - 202 - 2.62)/(-2(20)2.6) ]
Section 6.4, B27, manual page 50: the angle labeled 17 should be labeled 20
Section 7.1, B5, manual page 51: "Figure 9" should be "Figure 10"
Section 7.2, B23, manual page 23: change the final step from "-tan θ" to "-1/tan θ".
Section 7.3, B65, manual page 57: change 7.2.17 to 7.3.3A
Section 7.3, B67, manual page 57: [The work and steps are right. Delete the reference to B21.]
Section 7.4, B15, manual page 59: change "65" to "66".
Section 7.4, B25, manual page 59: [The answer is right, but the third last line has "70 + a" which should be "50 + a" and "16" which should be "70".
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